massage therapy schools


43 Years of Educational Excellence 

At ICT Schools, we understand the significance of providing comprehensive information to individuals considering a career in massage therapy. In this blog post, we present ten essential aspects that shed light on the massage therapy profession. Whether you’re a recent graduate or seeking a career change, these insights will equip you with valuable knowledge to make informed decisions and embark on a successful journey in the field of massage therapy.

  1. The Importance of Soft Skills: Effective communication skills are paramount in the massage therapy field. As a therapist, you’ll need to educate clients and colleagues about the benefits of massage and cultivate a confident, assertive demeanor. Collaborative teamwork with other healthcare professionals in multidisciplinary clinics is also crucial to provide holistic care.
  2. Growing Demand: Massage therapy has experienced rapid growth in recent years. The demand for qualified massage therapists continues to rise, making it an opportune time to enter the profession. According to the Frasier report on complementary and alternative medicine, massage therapy has been one of the most rapidly expanding therapies over the past two decades.
  3. A Passion for Teaching: Our esteemed Faculty Head and Instructor, Brandy John, brings over 20 years of experience to the massage therapy program at ICT Schools. Brandy’s dedication to teaching stems from a desire to share knowledge and extend the reach of quality care through her students and future peers.
  4. Expertise and Experience: Brandy John has been an integral part of the ICT Schools community for nearly five years. During this time, she has contributed to the positive learning environment by collaborating with healthcare professionals, IT specialists, and business experts.
  5. Active Engagement in the Field: In addition to her role as an instructor, Brandy is actively involved in several organizations and activities within the massage therapy field. She holds prestigious positions such as President of the OCPMTC (Ontario Council of Private Massage Therapy Colleges), President of CCMTS (Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools), and serves as a board member of the CMTCA (Canadian Massage Therapy Alliance).
  6. Commitment to Continuous Learning: As a seasoned professional, Brandy John continually expands her expertise through specialized training and certifications. Over the course of her career, she has acquired certifications in acupuncture, reflexology, cupping, hot stone therapy, fascial and organ release, among others. Brandy’s dedication to ongoing education enables her to stay informed about current trends and research, benefiting her clients, students, and herself.
  7. Impact of COVID-19: Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the massage therapy field has witnessed increased demand. With individuals seeking physical and mental stress relief, clinics have reported busier schedules. Massage therapists play a crucial role in addressing repetitive injuries resulting from our increasingly screen-oriented lifestyles and providing human connection during times of isolation.
  8. Dispelling Misconceptions: Contrary to misconceptions, massage therapy offers a sustainable and rewarding career path. Statistics from the CMTO (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario) indicate a high retention rate within the profession. By incorporating proper body mechanics, maintaining good health and posture, and implementing effective business skills, massage therapists can enjoy longevity in their careers.
  9. The Gratification of Making a Difference: One of the most rewarding aspects of massage therapy is witnessing the positive impact it has on clients. From the moment they enter the massage room with anticipation to the moment they leave, feeling rejuvenated and appreciating the benefits of regular self-care, the joy and satisfaction derived from helping others are unparalleled.
  10. Ongoing Projects and Contributions: Brandy John’s commitment to the advancement of massage therapy extends beyond her instructional role. She has recently completed her terms on the CMTCA (Canadian Massage Therapy Council for Accreditation) and remains dedicated to enhancing best practices at ICT Schools. Additionally, as President of the OCPMTC (Ontario Council of Private Massage Therapy Schools) and CCMTS (Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools), Brandy works towards fostering shared goals and promoting best practices throughout Canada. Her collaboration with the RMTAO as a student ambassador further advocates for the profession and its benefits.

A career in massage therapy offers a fulfilling journey of personal and professional growth. With the guidance and expertise provided by ICT Schools, aspiring massage therapists can embark on this rewarding path armed with the necessary skills and knowledge. We invite you to explore the possibilities and embrace a career that promotes well-being and makes a meaningful impact in the lives of others.